Learning skills are fun when applied on the trails.
Go and practice. Trillo Armadillo are often organizing saturday clinics and fun days at their facilities in Centenial Plaza. Ramps, jumps, wheelies, manuals, bunny hops. Start with the basics. Those are essentials for the trails. Be safe.
Y mañana sabado a practicar tecnicas para superar obstaculos #trilloarmadilloacademy #shoxunit #endurojat #jumps #panama #mtb #sabado
#Repost _trilloarmadillo with _repostapp_・・・_Hoy nos divertimos junto a los pequeños de la casa también en una tarde de birria y saltos
La gente esta montando desde temprano! #wheelie #plantation #endurojat Saludos a _manuelrivera_lucas _walogonzalez